Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds have a quiet, sociable character, and while they are prone to sleeping for long periods of the day, they also enjoy playing with their owners.
Scottish Fold

About the Scottish fold

Scottish Folds are intelligent, inquisitive and loyal to their family. They are not overly vocal, and when they do speak up, have tiny voices.

This breed gets along well with children and, once properly introduced, other family pets as well.

Fuente: hechos y características clave extraídos del World Cat Congress (WCC)

Rasgos específicos de la raza

Pelaje: Pelaje medio
Categoría de tamaño: Medianos
Esperanza de vida promedio: 12-15 años
Inteligente / Leal / Amistoso

Datos clave

Necesita mucho aseo

Adecuado para la vida interior y exterior

Paciente con los niños y otros animales

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