Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever’s strong physique and open, happy temperament make it one of the more tireless breeds.
Labrador Retriever adult black and white

About the Labrador Retriever

Swimming, chasing, playing, walking with its owner – the Labrador Retriever is up for anything and everything! If you want a breed that makes training easy, that’s very intelligent, balanced and, above all, playful, the Labrador Retriever is for you.

Most Labrador Retrievers also particularly love children. It’s important to remember that this breed does have one fairly big motivator – their appetite! This can make it challenging to maintain a Labrador Retriever’s healthy weight, more so than with other breeds. However, with a balanced, healthy diet and plenty of exercise it’s certainly achievable.

Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Breed specifics

Country: France
Size category: Large
Avg life expectancy: 10-14 years
Even-tempered / Agile / Adaptable / Loyal / Intelligent / Loving / Lively

Key facts

Needs a lot of space
Needs a lot of exercise
Gentle with children

Lifetime of health

Get advice and information on how to provide the best care for your dog at every stage of life.

A healthy start to life

Puppyhood is a time of massive physical and behavioural change, and a steep learning curve for new owners. Find out how you can provide your puppy with the best start to life so they develop into strong, healthy dogs.

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