La salud es frágil

Los primeros momentos de los gatitos conforman una etapa de grandes cambios físicos y de comportamiento. Una nutrición adaptada a sus necesidades específicas para su desarrollo puede ayudarlos a crecer y convertirse en gatos fuertes y saludables.

Sacred Birman kitten in black and white eating from a dish

Las primeras etapas de vida del gatito: una transformación sorprendente

Durante los primeros meses de vida, tu gatito pasará por una transformación sorprendente.

Sacred Birman kitten jumping in black and white

Huesos saludables

In the first year of life a kitten’s bones must strengthen to be four times stronger than concrete.

Growing immunity

In their first six months the your kitten's immature immune system must help protect them from millions of germs.

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Explore kittenhood

Expert advice and information from Royal Canin vets and nutritionists on changing needs of kittens during the first weeks and months of life.

Explore kittenhood
Sacred Birman kitten sitting down in black and white

Royal Canin kitten Range

We create nutrition that is tailored to meet the specific needs of kittens of different ages and breeds.

View kitten range
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