Apport calorique modéré, 12 % inférieur à la nourriture Canine Gastro-intestinale sèche, pouraider à maintenir un poids idéal.

Un mélange de protéines hautement digestibles et de fibres équilibrées, comprenant desprébiotiques, ainsi que de l’AEP et de l’ADH, aide à soutenir la santé digestive.

Apport calorique modéré, 12 % inférieur à la nourriture Canine Gastro-intestinale sèche, pouraider à maintenir un poids idéal.

Apport complémentaire en acides gras oméga-3 (AEP et ADH) pour réduire l’inflammation dans le tractus gastro-intestinal.

Nourriture complète et équilibrée pour chiens adultes

Travailler pour un avenir durable

Nous pensons que les animaux de compagnie rendent notre monde meilleur. Cette conviction nous inspire et donne vie à notre objectif de créer UN MONDE MEILLEUR POUR LES ANIMAUX DE COMPAGNIE™.

En savoir plus
Labrador retriever adulte assis avec son maître à l'extérieur

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Farine de brisure de riz, farine de sous-produits de poulet, maïs, brisure de riz, arômes naturels, gras de poulet, produit d’œuf, pulpe de betterave ordinaire séchée, cellulose en poudre, huile végétale, phosphate monocalcique, huile de poisson, chlorure de potassium, sel, carbonate de calcium, enveloppes de psyllium en poudre, aluminosilicate de sodium, fructooligosaccharides, chlorure de choline, huile de microalgues marines, levure hydrolysée, vitamines [L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source de vitamine C), acétate de DL-alpha-tocophérol (source de vitamine E), biotine, D-pantothénate de calcium, acétate de vitamine A, supplément de riboflavine, supplément de niacine, supplément de vitamine B12, chlorhydrate de pyridoxine (vitamine B6), mononitrate de thiamine (vitamine B1), supplément de vitamine D3, acide folique], DL-méthionine, oligoéléments [protéinate de zinc, oxyde de zinc, sulfate ferreux, protéinate de manganèse, oxyde manganeux, sulfate de cuivre, sélénite de sodium, iodate de calcium, protéinate de cuivre], extrait de rose d’Inde (Tagetes erecta L.), taurine, extrait de romarin, conservée avec un mélange de tocophérols et d’acide citrique.

Calorie Content

Cette nourriture contient 3427 kilocalories d’énergie métabolisable (EM) par kilogramme ou 305 kilocalories EM par tasse de nourriture donnée (calculée).

Protéines brutes (min)21,0 %
Matières grasses brutes (min)9,0 %
Fibres brutes (max)4,0 %
Humidité (max)10,5 %
Acide eicosapentaénoïque + docosahexaénoïque (AEP + ADH) (min)0,22 %
Potassium (min)0,54 %
Sodium (min)0,27 %
Vitamine E (min)315 UI/kg
Acide ascorbique* (min)216 mg/kg.

*Non reconnu comme un nutriment essentiel dans le profil nutritionnel des aliments pour chiens de l'AAFCO.

Alimentation en croquettes

Poids du chien Surpoids Poids idéal
4,4 lb (2 kg) 3/8 conserve (37 g) 1/2 conserve (44 g)
6,6 lb (3 kg) 5/8 conserve (50 g) 5/8 conserve (60 g)
8,8 lb (4 kg) 3/4 conserve (62 g) 7/8 conserve (74 g)
11 lb (5 kg) 7/8 conserve (74 g) 1 conserve (87 g)
13 lb (6 kg) 1 conserve (84 g) 1 1/8 conserves (100 g)
22 lb (10 kg) 1 3/8 conserves (124 g) 1 5/8 conserves (147 g)
26 lb (12 kg) 1 5/8 conserves (142 g) 1 7/8 conserves (168 g)
35 lb (16 kg) 2 conserves (176 g) 2 3/8 conserves (209 g)
44 lb (20 kg) 2 3/8 conserves (208 g) 2 3/4 conserves (247 g)
55 lb (25 kg) 2 3/4 conserves (246 g) 3 1/4 conserves (292 g)
66 lb (30 kg) 3 1/8 conserves (282 g) 3 3/4 conserves (335 g)
77 lb (35 kg) 3 1/2 conserves (316 g) 4 1/4 conserves (376 g)
88 lb (40 kg) 4 conserves (350 g) 4 5/8 conserves (415 g)
110 lb (50 kg) 4 5/8 conserves (413 g) 5 1/2 conserves (491 g)
132 lb (60 kg) 5 3/8 conserves (474 g) 6 3/8 conserves (563 g)
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Canine Gastrointestinal Moderate Calorie Dry Dog Food

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Avis des clients

30 oct. 2018

Changed my dogs life!

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My dog has been taking this food for about 5 years, ever since she was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis. This is the only food that does not cause her to get sick after eating . Since she has been eating this along with the wet food version she has not had one attack. She just turned 12 his month!
10 oct. 2018

Works great!

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My dog get's really bad diarrhea. Since starting this food it has helped tremendously .
Baby cakes or Ro
04 oct. 2018

A Healthy, Happy Siberian Husky

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Our Siberian Husky will be turning three years old this month. When we brought him home as a puppy, we didn’t realize he was very sick. After numerous vet visits and thousands of dollars in bills to help him get healthy, the vet prescribed Royal Canin. Roenick’s GI tract was not healthy from all of the parasites and infections that he had. He started out with the high calorie bag when he was a puppy and is still currently on it. Royal Canin made a difference in Roenick’s life. He went from having constant diarrhea to progressing to healthy bowel movements. I can’t imagine how his little belly felt during the first year of his life. Thank you for all that you do for our pets!
02 oct. 2018

Thanks Royal Canin

Thank you or help keeping my best friend alive for 7+ years. My dog was diagnosed with the equivalent To Crohn’s disease for humans my dog is 16 years old now and I thought I was going to lose him around the age of 10. My dogs only eats this food Recommended by the veterinarian
Dream big
02 oct. 2018

Great Product

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My dog loved this food and it worked very well. I would highly recommend this product.
02 oct. 2018

My dog has intestinal problems

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used this food for over two years. My Vet prescribes it for our dog at one year old. They could not figure out why he had continuous diarrhea. This food has worked for two solid years. We are grateful we found it.
02 oct. 2018

Saved My Dogs Life

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’m a first time dog owner. I have a 13lbs mixed breed named Jazz. Before Jazz turned one she became violently ill. They gave her medicine and sent me home. I continued her diet only to end up back at the Vets. This time they told me there was nothing they could do and I needed to take her to the hospital. I sobbed all day long!! The hospital ran tests and determined that she had gastric issues and recommended Royal Canin. Jazz is three now and the healthiest little doggie I have ever seen! I’m so thankful for this brand!
02 oct. 2018

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My dog has pancreatitis and I am so glad that he loves this food
Winston 01
02 oct. 2018

Bulldog loves it

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My vet recommended for our bulldog because he was having issues keeping his food down due to stomach issues.
02 oct. 2018

saved my pug

[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We have been on this diet for 3 years. My pug gets it , my pug was getting fat and his skin was awful and he was farting quite a bit from other foods he was on.. I tried Blue but he could not digest the protein. Oops I selected the wrong food. it's the hydralized protein moderate calorie dry dog food I am talking about.