Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Welsh Corgi Pembrokes are sturdy little dogs with an alert and active character.

About the Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Welsh Corgi Pembrokes are more widespread than Cardigans. Over time, they have gained the royal seal of approval, with King George VI giving a Welsh Corgi Pembroke puppy to his daughter, the future Queen Elizabeth II, who has kept them ever since.

Slightly smaller than their Cardigan cousins, the Welsh Corgi Pembroke is a friendly and outgoing breed that can make an ideal family pet or companion dog.

Fuente: hechos y características clave obtenidos de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Rasgos específicos de la raza

País: Reino Unido
Categoría de tamaño: Mediano
Esperanza de vida promedio: 11-13 años
Alerta / Animado / Seguro / Amistoso / Inteligente

Hechos clave

Requiere aseo moderado
Necesita mucho entrenamiento y conducta
No es esencial tener jardín

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