Dutch shepherd dog black and white

Dutch Shepherd Dog

These working dogs have made great strides in many disciplines, including Ring and RCI. They have an intelligent expression and a lively temperament.

About the Dutch Shepherd Dog

Affectionate, obedient, very loyal and confident, Dutch Shepherd Dogs are undemanding and bursting with stamina. Add constant alertness to the mix and you have the very definition of a sheepdog. Dutch Shepherds are members of the family of Dutch sheepdog breeds that also includes the Dutch Schapendoes and the Saarloos Wolfhond. Experts say that they were originally crossed with their Belgian cousin, which has a similar physiognomy, varieties and aptitudes.

Nowadays, Dutch Shepherd Dogs are recognised as working dogs. Their bravery, courage, hardiness and indefatigability are much appreciated. This breed has character in spades from a very early age, so a firm hand will be a requisite. Once it has been properly educated and socialised, you will be astonished by just what your dog is capable of.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés provenant de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

The Netherlands
Catégorie de taille
Races de grande taille
Espérance de vie moyenne
12–15 ans

Affectueux / Alerte / Intelligent / Fidèle / Robuste / Réservé

Faits marquants

  • Requires outdoor space
  • Makes a great family dog
  • Needs a lot of exercise
Dachshund puppy in black and white eating from a red bowl

Le meilleur départ dans la vie

Des changements physiques et comportementaux considérables se produisent chez les chiots. Cette période est également marquée par de nombreux apprentissages pour les nouveaux maîtres. Découvrez comment offrir un bon départ à votre chiot, afin qu'il puisse devenir un chien robuste en plein santé.

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Toute une vie en bonne santé

Conseils et informations sur la façon d'apporter les meilleurs soins à votre chien à chaque étape de sa vie.

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