Let's talk Labrador Retrievers

There's a reason Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dogs worldwide. Playful and devoted, they're known for their open, enthusiastic temperaments, which you’ll soon come to adore – as long as you can stand the affection overload, that is! They're smart, too. With a little patience, the Labrador breed trains well. Just keep that plate of food away from the edge of the table!

Official name: Labrador Retriever

Other names: Labrador, Lab

Origins: United Kingdom

Black and white portrait of adult and puppy golden Labrador side by side
Drooling tendencies


Warm weather? Medium
Grooming needs Medium Cold weather? High
Shedding level Very high Suited to apartment living? Very low
Barking tendencies Low Can stay alone?* Low
Energy level High Family pet?* High
Compatibility with other pets Very high

*We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behaviour. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations.

Every pet is different, even within a breed. This snapshot of this breed specifics should be taken as an indication only.

For a happy, healthy, and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socializing your pet, as well as meeting their basic welfare needs (and their social and behavioural needs.

Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child.

Contact your breeder or veterinarian for further advice.

All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.

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Illustration of standing Labrador
1 m 56 cm - 1 m 61 cm Height
30 kg - 36 kg Weight
1 m 53 cm - 1 m 58 cm Height
25 kg - 32 kg Weight

Baby age Birth to two months
Puppy age 2 to 15 months
Adult age 15 months to 5 years
Mature age 5 years to 8+ years
Senior age From eight years

Black and golden Labrador biting on to one orange toy while running on grass


Get to know the Labrador

All you need to know about the breed

Labrador Retrievers are definitely not the dog equivalent of a couch potato. Whether it's swimming, playing – did someone say, “Fetch!”? – and long walks with their favourite humans… the Labrador is up for anything and everything. Including training. Training sessions are usually a satisfying endeavour thanks to the breed’s inherent smarts. Balanced and playful, once trained, most Labradors are really great with children. Often trained as therapy dogs, the Labrador’s character traits mean they make for superb service animals. And they have pretty good manners, too.

It’s important to remember that this breed has one fairly big motivator: their appetite. This can make it challenging to maintain a Labrador at a healthy weight, perhaps more so than with other breeds. However, with a balanced, right-for-Labradors diet, plenty of exercise, and a good veterinarian, you’ll have yourself a healthy, contented dog!

Quite robust and muscular, they have powerful jaws and a large nose. Their eyes, which are usually brown or hazelnut in colour, are full of softness, intelligence, and devotion. When a Labrador Retriever looks at its owner, the connection is clear for all to see.

Labrador coats are short and thick, without waves or feathering, and have a weather-resistant undercoat. You can find the breed in yellow (ranging from light cream to fox-red), brown, and all-black. Their tails, which are often moving, are quite thick at birth. Completely covered with dense hair, it gives the Labrador’s tail the appearance of roundness, or what is commonly called an "otter tail". Good advice: when a Labrador is content to see you, don’t stand in the way of its tail!

Known for their friendly, kind temperaments, the Labrador Retriever breed is able to adapt really well to almost any living situation. As a family dog, they will somehow gather the patience to wait for the children to get home from school and excitedly head into the backyard to play with them. While a Labrador will bark when it hears strange or loud noises, they don’t make great guard dogs – when well-socialized, they rarely show any aggression at all, bearing no ill will towards man or his fellow pets.

Black and chocolate Labrador puppies sat next to another on grass


Two facts about Labrador Retrievers

1. Labradors live for two things: playing and food

And not necessarily in that order. But that’s what training is for. There are plenty of great Labrador puppy training videos on the internet, as well as great trainers locally. Playing helps keep your Labrador in great shape and prevents him from getting bored. You’ve got this!

2. Staying on top of things 

Labrador Retrievers can be prone to certain health concerns, from conditions like hip dysplasia (a reputable breeder will have tested the parents before mating them to help prevent the puppy from having it) to ACL tears – yes, just like humans. With recommended examinations, a balanced diet, and check-ups, most problems can be detected early.


History of the breed

There’s a reason Labrador Retrievers are so good on both land and in the water. A direct descendant of the St. John’s Water Dog, named after the capital of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, fishermen used these hard-working dogs to help retrieve their nets and fish from the icy waters of this coastal wilderness. The dogs also kept the fishermen company on what was an isolated, massive, and surely inhospitable island.

However, the answer to “Where do Labradors come from?” isn’t that straightforward. The breed as we know it today is believed to have been established in Great Britain sometime in the early 1800’s. Adventuring aristocrats and returning fishermen brought the Labrador’s ancestor back to England with them, where the dogs found early fame for their hardy constitutions and loyal dispositions.

The Earl of Malmesbury, a clearly forward-thinking man, took note and deduced, correctly, that the dogs were well-suited to life on the estate. A breeding program was successfully put in place, and it is thanks to the Earl and some of his fellow noblemen that the Labrador Retriever breed exists today. Still as comfortable in the water as they are on land, the Labrador Retriever remains one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.

Black and white close-up portrait of Labrador's face


From head to tail

Physical characteristics of Labrador Retrievers

1. Ears

Floppy but not heavy ears hang down alongside the dog’s head  

2. Coat

Short, dense coat over water-resistant undercoat

3. Fur

Fur that ranges from black to chocolate or yellow, from light cream to reddish

4. Tail

Set high, tail is naturally long and rarely stops wagging – and their whole body can wiggle at times.

5. Legs and spine

Well-proportioned, with good balance between leg and spine lengths.

Golden Labrador standing on grass looking to the right


Things to look out for

From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever can be prone to obesity

They're fond of contraband when they can get it! – but our science shows that regular exercise and a balanced diet are Labrador essentials to offset their propensity for obesity. This will also minimize joint problems, such as hip or elbow dysplasia, which can lead to malformation of the hips and arthritis, as well as related conditions in the elbow. Sometimes painful dysplasia can reduce the Labrador's mobility, requiring surgery to fix. The good news? Early detection is key to managing this condition, and regular check-ups can help you and your veterinarian stay on top of it.

You know them as ear infections but the medical term is otitis

And Labrador Retrievers can be prone to them. While sometimes linked to lifestyle, activities like swimming, which Labs love to do – even if only waddling through deep puddles – are one of the reasons Labradors are more likely to get recurring ear infections, because their pinna – the large exterior part of the ear – blocks the free circulation of air, so moisture can get trapped in the ear canal. The pain, itchy, smelly ears, and potential hearing loss that can accompany otitis can be averted much of the time with examinations twice a year. But don’t stress – your veterinarian knows this and can catch anything unusual early on to treat it.

They can also be prone to ligament tears

Cruciate ligaments are the muscles that hold the knee joints together. If they tear, it can be very painful for a dog, as it allows their knee joints to slide back and forth. This is the most common orthopaedic injury in active dogs that have a straight up and down hind leg structure like the Labrador Retriever. Luckily, it is fairly straightforward to spot issues before they appear with twice yearly orthopaedic exams.

Your veterinarian may also discuss your Labrador’s weight management as a preventive measure. These simple tools can help you stay on top of potential problems.

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Caring for your Labrador Retriever

Grooming, training, and exercise tips

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The Labrador Retriever is an exuberant, energetic breed that needs lots of exercise every day. A Labrador who doesn’t get enough activity is likely to engage in hyperactive and even destructive behaviour to release their pent-up energy. The breed’s favourite activities are retrieving things (hence the name) and swimming. Labradors can be prone to weight gain, but luckily, Labradors also love to burn up energy on hunting trips or long runs. As you might have deduced, this is not a good breed for the sedentary.

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To maintain a healthy, shiny coat, Labrador Retrievers should be brushed weekly, and even more often during seasonal shedding periods. They may need occasional baths to keep them clean, particularly after outdoor activities. And if they were anywhere near a lake or pond! Like all dogs and people, Labradors need regular dental care, including at-home teeth brushing and professional cleanings. Maintaining good dental hygiene is important for your Labrador’s overall long-term health. Nails should be clipped as often as needed and ears checked weekly if they’ll let you.
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With the Labrador Retriever’s physical strength and high energy levels, early socialization and puppy training classes are vital, not to mention fun! Gently exposing a Labrador puppy to a wide variety of people, places, and situations between the ages of seven weeks and four months, and beginning training early on will help them develop into well-adjusted, well-mannered adults. For the Labrador, puppy training classes are part of the socialization process and help you, the owner, to learn to recognize and correct any bad habits early on. Labradors are devoted, intelligent, and enthusiastic companions who, with a little patience, will take to training well and return on time invested with tail-wagging great behaviour.


All about Labrador Retrievers

In a word, yes. They have double coats, and this can mean quite a lot of shedding for dogs like the Labrador. They shed their coats year-round, but even more in spring and winter. Staying on top of brushing – getting them used to brushing twice weekly is a good idea – and grooming will help decrease the amount of dog hair clogging the vacuum each week.

Like any dog, your Labrador Retriever didn’t come into the world knowing all the rules. But they are ready and willing to learn and, with some solid lessons, you or a professional trainer can guide your Labrador puppy to understand what is expected of them. The Labrador temperament is one that innately wants to please, so they’ll pick things up relatively quickly. Early training is essential if you have children in the house, as is the case for any breed.


1 – Veterinary Centres of America https://vcahospitals.com/

2 – Royal Canin Dog Encyclopaedia. Ed 2010 and 2020

3 – Banfield Pet Hospital https://www.banfield.com/

4 – Royal Canin BHN Product Book

5 – American Kennel Club https://www.akc.org/