Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog

Stumpy Tails were bred in the Australian outback and only a small number were registered in the stud books. In 2001, this longstanding breed was renamed the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog.
Australian stumpy tail cattle dog black and white

About the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog

These well-proportioned dogs, rather square in form, have a rugged appearance and can endure long periods of arduous work in almost any conditions.

Stumpy Tails are loyal, courageous and devoted dogs with a natural aptitude for working and controlling cattle. They are always alert, watchful, obedient and somewhat suspicious of strangers.

Zdroj: klíčová fakta a charakteristiky pocházejí od Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Specifika plemene

Grooming, training and exercise tips

Země: Austrálie
Velikostní kategorie: Střední
Průměrná délka života: 14-15 let
Čilý / Nezávislý / Živý / Inteligentní / Loajální / Poslušný

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