Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz’s origins are shrouded in mystery, although dogs of the same type have certainly been used to hunt small game throughout the country for centuries.

About the Finnish Spitz

Finish Spitz dogs mainly hunts forest game birds, waterfowl and small pests, together with moose. These passionate hunters are fairly independent, although they will work as part of a team, barking to indicate the presence of game.

Lively, vigorous, brave and determined, they can be somewhat aloof with strangers, but never vicious. With their human family they are known to be fun-loving, affectionate and ready to play.

Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Breed specifics

Size category: Medium
Avg life expectancy: 12-14 years
Enthusiastic / Independent / Lively / Confident / Determined / Reserved

Key facts

Requires moderate grooming
Needs little training
Makes a great family dog
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