Italian Coarsehaired Hound

Italian Coarsehaired Hounds are wonderfully suited to even the toughest terrain, on the flat or in the mountains. These speedy, very hardy animals work with great passion, alone or in packs.

About the Italian Coarsehaired Hound

In action, the Italian Coarsehaired Hound uses its tail as a rudder, raising it to the level of the topline and wagging it from left to right, brushing the flanks or even rotating it sometimes. The tail is regarded as long, although the tip is very close to the point of the hock.

Compared with their short-haired cousins, they are more reserved, less exuberant, sound, calm and level-headed. They wear a friendly, gentle, proud expression, with a veil of melancholic reflection. Their voice is strong and very harmonious.

Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Breed specifics

Country: Italy
Size category: Medium
Avg life expectancy: 12-15 years
Resilient / Reserved / Calm / Even-tempered / Friendly / Gentle

Key facts

Requires moderate grooming
Makes a great family dog
Requires outdoor space
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