MATURE CONSULT Bocconcini in salsa

MATURE CONSULT Bocconcini in salsa

Alimento umido per gatti

Mangime completo per gatti adulti di età superiore ai 7 anni

Formati disponibili

85g x 12

Qual è la porzione più adatta?


Questo è un alimento dietetico. Per capire se è giusto per il tuo pet, chiedi maggiori informazioni al tuo Medico Veterinario.


Benefits: Vitality complex / Antioxidant complex / Optimal energy / Urinary health ROYAL CANIN® Mature Consult is specially formulated to help support the health and wellbeing of senior cats that are not showing any obvious signs of ageing. This formula contains a specific selection of nutrients that help to support vitality in older cats. To help neutralise the effects of free radicals and support tissue and cells, this formula is enriched with a specific blend of antioxidants. In order to meet the needs of more active mature cats, ROYAL CANIN® Mature Consult is formulated with a specially adapted energy content. This diet also helps to create an environment unfavourable to the formation of urinary crystals and stones. As part of the ROYAL CANIN® Veterinary Range, it is important that this product is only given to your pet when recommended by a veterinary professional. Transitioning your pet from one diet to another should be a smooth and gradual process. Please ensure you follow the correct rationing amount, especially when mix-feeding.   To cater to each cat’s individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Mature Consult is also available as dry food with crunchy kibble.* *Subject to product availability

product details accompanying image


L'età può influenzare i sistemi vitali dei gatti, compresa la funzionalità renale. Questa formula include una selezione di sostanze nutritive che aiutano a sostenere la vitalità.


Arricchito con una miscela di antiossidanti per aiutare a neutralizzare i radicali liberi, contribuendo a proteggere tessuti e cellule.


Contenuto energetico adattato per soddisfare le esigenze dei gatti maturi attivi.