Welsh Corgi Cardigan

These energetic and sturdy little dogs were bred as cattle dogs, driving the herd by day and guarding them by night.
Welsh Corgi Cardigan adult black and white

About the Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Welsh Corgi Cardigans are lively, active and intelligent little dogs with a steady temperament. Their easy-going nature makes them an ideal companion or family dog.

However, their working dog origins mean they require more exercise and stimulation than you’d expect from a dog of this size, and fare better when they have regular access to outdoor spaces.

Source : Faits et caractéristiques essentiels issus de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

Pays: Royaume-Uni
Catégorie de taille: Moyen
Espérance de vie moyenne: 12-15 ans
Affectueux / Plein de vie / Alerte / Sympathique / Résilient / Intelligent / Fidèle / Sociable

Faits essentiels

Apprécie l'entraînement
Patient avec les enfants et les autres animaux
Excellent compagnon

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