Royal Canin 送您2024 年1 月寵物節電子門票 條款及細則


1 參加資格
1.1 Royal Canin 送您2024 年1 月寵物節電子門票活動(以下簡稱「活動」)由Royal Canin Hong Kong Limited 主辦(以下簡稱「主辦方」),並全權負責活動的執行及管理。
1.2 活動將受此等條款及細則以及活動詳情(統稱為「條款及細則」)約束。每位參賽者同意已閱讀並理解此等條款及細則,並同意就參加活動受此等條款及細則約束。
1.3 參賽者於參加活動時須為年滿 16 歲之香港公民/居民及寵物主人(包括貓或犬),並受條款1.4 的約束。
1.4 主辦方、經銷商、廣告及銷售機構之員工及其直系親屬均不符合參賽資格。「直系親屬」包括以下任何一項:配偶、前配偶、同居伴侶、子女或繼子女(不論是親生或收養)、父母、繼父母、祖/外祖父母、叔伯/舅父、姑母/姨母、侄子/外甥、侄女/外甥女、兄弟、姊妹、繼兄弟姊妹及堂/表兄弟姊妹。
1.5 所有提交的個人資料必須準確及完整,主辦方可要求提供證明以作核實。主辦方保留隨時核實任何參賽資格之有效性,以及取消任何不符合此等條款及細則及影響參賽過程之參賽資格的權利。

2 活動時期
2.1 活動將於2024 年1 月12 日開始,直至2024 年1 月21 日下午11 時59 分結束。
2.2 參賽者可於活動時期內隨時參賽。
2.3 任何於參賽時期以外時間提交的參賽內容將不獲受理。

3 活動方法
3.1 每位參賽者只可參加活動一次。必須是Royal Canin Club 的新會員。
3.2 每位參賽者須登入 並填寫電子登記表(以下簡稱「電子表格」),其中包括提供所需的個人、寵物資料。
3.3 每位參賽者須提供一隻寵物的資料,Royal Canin 為最先1000 位成功登記的新會員送出獎品。
3.4 網頁會顯示一個感謝頁以確認參賽者成功提交電子表格。
3.5 任何因參賽而衍生的費用(包括進入電子表格版面)須由參賽者自行承擔。

4 得獎者
4.1 活動以先到先得並且成功登記成為新會員的方式進行。
4.2 主辦方的任何決定為最終決定,任何異議將不獲受理。

5 獎品
5.1 獎品共有1000 份。
5.2 按條款3.2 規定,於參賽期間最快成功登記成為新會員的1000 個人,每個人可獲得1 份獎品。
5.3 每份獎品是1 張2024 年香港寵物節電子入場券。電子門票會發到用以登記的電郵中。
5.4 獎品不得轉讓、交換或兌換現金。在不限制此等條款及細則之任何其他條款的情況下,所有獎品(以及獎品元素)必須按照約定的一次性運送安排(按條款6.3 及6.4 的要求)接收,否則將被沒收且沒有替代方案。

6 通知得獎者
6.1 最先1000 位成功登記的新會員,會於用以登記的電郵即時收到電子門票。
6.2 主辦方將根據登記的電郵直接通知得獎者。
6.3 主辦方的決定為最終決定,所有異議或申訴將不獲受理。
6.4 主辦方、其相關機構及與本次活動相關之公司對獎品於運送途中所引致的遺失或損毀概不承擔任何責任。

7 主辦方之權利
7.1 根據適用的法律及規定,主辦方可隨時自行決定修改、撤銷或廢除此等條款及細則,恕不另行通知。
7.2 若由於任何原因導致活動的任何方面無法按計劃進行,包括受電腦病毒感染、網絡故障、錯誤、篡改、未經授權的干預、欺詐、技術故障或任何超出主辦方控制的原因而破壞或影響活動的管理、安全、公平、完整性或妥善進行,主辦方保留自行決定取消、終止、修改或暫停活動或視任何受影響的參賽內容為無效之權利。
7.3 主辦方保留自動取消不完整、難以辨認、損毀或延誤的參賽內容或參賽內容的真確性受到質疑的參賽資格之權利。
7.4 主辦方可自行決定取消任何參賽資格。若主辦方合理認為任何人已惡意破壞參賽程序或活動運作,或違反此等條款及細則或以破壞性方式參賽,或基於任何其他原因,主辦方可禁止相關人士繼續參賽。
7.5 若主辦方基於任何原因合理認為任何提交的參賽內容、物品或資料為不適當的(包括但不限於淫穢、非法或其他不適當的書面及/或照片及/或影片內容),相關參賽者將被取消參賽資格並不能贏取任何獎品。
7.6 若主辦方基於合理理由(按條款4.1 的規定)相信所選定的得獎者違反了此等條款及細則之任何部分,主辦方保留選擇另一替代得獎者之權利。
7.7 參賽者同意受主辦方的決定所約束。
7.8 於符合資格換取獎品前,主辦方可能在活動期間之任何時間要求參賽者核實他們在活動中的任何一個或所有參賽內容,或提供更多資料讓主辦方驗證參賽者的參賽內容。
7.9 接受獎品即表示允許主辦方及其代理機構以及Royal Canin Hong Kong 使用相關得獎者的姓名、參賽內容及/或照片作宣傳、廣告及/或交易用途,而無須作出補償、通知或獲得批准。
7.10 接受任何獎品將被視為每位得獎者豁免及免除主辦方承擔由以下原因引起或與之有關的任何性質之任何及所有責任、索賠、要求、訴訟原因及/或參賽者遭受之損害,不論是目前已知或是未知的︰(i) 活動,(ii) 得獎者(及/或其同伴及/或寵物)因使用及或享用獎品而遭受人身傷害及/或財產損失、盜竊或損失,及/或 (iii) 與活動、獎品及/或使用或享用獎品相關之任何稅務責任。
7.11 主辦方對與活動有關的任何事項的決定為最終決定,包括活動的任何細節如決定得獎名單,所有異議或上申訴將不獲受理。
7.12 主辦方對任何因技術問題或互聯網及/或網站網路擠塞所引起的任何錯誤、遺漏、中斷、刪減、缺陷、操作或傳送延誤、通訊線路故障、盜竊或破壞、未經授權之登錄或更改用戶或會員通訊,或任何電話網絡或線路、電腦網上系統、伺服器或供應商、電腦設備、軟件、電子郵件或播放器故障之問題或技術性異常概不承擔任何責任。

Royal Canin : 2024 Pet Fair E-Ticket Giveaway
Terms and Conditions

1. Rules & Eligibility
1.1 The “Royal Canin : 2024 Pet Fair E-Ticket Giveaway” (hereinafter referred to asthe “Activity”) is organized by Royal Canin Hong Kong Limited. (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”), which is solely responsible for the execution and management of the Activity.
1.2 This Activity will be governed by these terms and conditions and details of the Activity (collectively referred to as the “Terms & Conditions”). Every participant agrees that these Terms & Conditions have been read and understood and by their participation in the Activity, agrees to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
1.3 Subject to Clause 1.4, the Activity is open to all citizens and residents of Hong Kong resident aged 16 years or older and a pet owner (cat / kitten or dog / puppy) at
the time of entry.
1.4 The Activity is not open to the employees of the Organizer, distributor, advertising and sales promotion agencies and their immediate family members. “Immediate family members” include any of these: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, children or step children (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, brother, sister, step-sibling and first cousins.
1.5 All personal details submitted must be accurate and complete and subject to proof at the request by the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of any entry and to disqualify any entry that does not comply with these Terms & Conditions or that interferes with the entry process.

2. Activity Period
2.1 The Activity will run on 12 Jan 2024 and ending at 11.59 PM, 21 Jan 2024 (“Activity Period”).
2.2 Participants are allowed to join the Activity at any time during the Activity Period.
2.3 Any Entries submitted outside of the Activity Period will not be entertained.

3. Activity Mechanics
3.1 Only one entry is allowed from each participant. Participant needs to be new member of Royal Canin Club.
3.2 Each participant should log in to and fill in a digital registration form (hereinafter referred to as the “e-Form”) which includes
providing all requested personal information.
3.3 Each participant should provide information of one pet which Royal Canin will give away prizes to the first 1000 new member who complete registration.
3.4 A Thank You webpage will be showed to acknowledge that participant have submitted the e-Form successfully.
3.5 Any costs associated with entering (including accessing the e-form) are the entrant's responsibility.

4. Winner Selection
4.1 The activity is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis and those who successfully register as new Royal Canin Club members.
4.2 Any decision by the Organizer is final. No correspondence will be entertained.

5. Prizes
5.1 There will be a total of 1000 prizes to be won.
5.2 The first 1000 pet owners who successfully registers as a new member within the fastest time during the activity period will receive 1 prize..
5.3 Each prize is an electronic ticket for the 2024 Hong Kong Pet Show. E-tickets will be issued by registered email.
5.4 Prizes cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash. Without limiting any other term of these Terms and Conditions, all prizes (and elements of prizes) must be received as the agreed one-time delivery arrangements (as required by clause 6.3 and 6.4), or will be forfeited with no replacement.

6. Notification of winners
6.1 The first 1,000 new members who successfully register will receive e-tickets immediately in the email used for registration.
6.2 The organizer will notify the winners directly according to the registered email.
6.3 The Organizer's decisions are final and no correspondence or appeals will be entered into.
6.4 The Organizer, their associated agencies and companies associated with this Activity will take no responsibility for loss or damage of the prize during transit.

7. Rights of the Organizer
7.1 Subject to applicable laws and regulations, the Organizer may at its absolute discretion modify, annul or rescind these Terms and Conditions at any time
without prior notice.
7.2 If for any reason, any aspect of the Activity is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of infection by computer virus, network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any causes beyond the control of the Organizer which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Activity, the Organizer reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Activity, or invalidate any affected entries.
7.3 The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify incomplete, illegible, disfigured or late entries automatically or when authenticity of an entry is questionable.
7.4 The Organizer may at its sole discretion, disqualify any entries and prohibit further participation in the Activity by any person whom the Organizer reasonably believes has tampered with the entry process or with the operation of the Activity or who has acted in violation of these Terms and Conditions or in a disruptive manner or for any other reason.
7.5 Any Participant who submits an Entry or other material or information which the Organizer reasonably considers is inappropriate for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to obscene, illicit or otherwise inappropriate written and/or photo and/or video content will be disqualified from the Activity and will not be eligible to win any prizes.
7.6 The Organizer reserves the right to select an alternative winner (based on the criteria in 4.1) in the event the Organizer has reasonable grounds for believing that a selected winner has contravened any part of these Terms and Conditions.
7.7 Participants agree to be bound by the decisions of the Organizer.
7.8 The Organizer may require participants to validate any one or all of their entries in the Activity or to provide more information to allow the Organizer to verify the participants’ entries, at any time during the Activity prior to being eligible to redeem any prize.
7.9 Acceptance of a prize constitutes permission for the Organizer and its agencies, and Royal Canin Hong Kong, to use the relevant winner’s name, entry and/or photograph for purposes of publicity, advertising and/or trade without further compensation, approval or notice.
7.10 Acceptance of any Prize shall constitute a release and discharge of the Organizer by each winner from any and all liability, claims, demands, causes of action, and/or damages which the winner may have, whether known or unknown at the present time, of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or relating to: (i) the Activity, (ii) personal injury and/or property damage, theft or loss suffered by the winner (and/or their companions and/or pets) as a result of the use and/or enjoyment of the Prize, and/or (iii) any tax liabilities in relation to the Activity, Prize and/or
use or enjoyment of the same.
7.11 The Organizer’s decision on any matter concerning the Activity is final with respect to any aspect of the Activity, including the determination of the winners. No correspondence or appeals will be entertained.
7.12 The Organizer is not responsible or liable for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, user or member communications, or any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet and/or websites.
