Discover the skin and coat health essentials

Your dog’s coat and skin are not only a joy to stroke, they’re also great indicators of your pet’s general health. They act as a natural barrier protecting them from stressors such as parasites, bacteria, chemicals, extreme temperatures, and even allergens. Paying attention to the condition of your dog’s coat and skin can lead to the early discovery and consequent earlier management of diseases, nutritional issues or environmental triggersthat are negatively affecting your dog’s health and wellbeing.Paired with a visit to the vet, this content collection is the first step to understanding what gets under your dog’s skin.Dive into it now to learn more.
black and white portrait of an English Cocker Spaniel
Beagle dog staying alert outdoors

Let’s talk about dog skin allergies

Is your dog more prone to allergies than other dogs? Allergies can have genetic causes, they may be caused or worsened by an environmental factor in your home, garden or even in your dog’s favourite food. No doubt, it’s an itchy topic! Let’s demystify dog skin allergies with answers to some commonly asked questions about dog allergy symptoms, testing and treatment.
Adult Irish Terrier lying down by a window being brushed.

​Why is my dog losing its hair?

If you've noticed your dog shedding or losing hair, in clumps or generally over their body, it's important you understand what the common causes might be before consulting a vet.
Samoyed dog scratching

Why does my dog keep scratching?

If your dog is scratching a lot, licking their coat excessively, rubbing against walls, or even shaking their head, it could be due to any number of things. Some reasons for the behaviour can range from dry skin to flea bites, hormonal imbalances, inadequate nutrition, anxiety or environmental factors. It’s far from a simple task to work out what the issue is. Here is a list of the most common reasons for your pet’s behaviour and the first steps to take before checking with your vet how to help dog with itching.
vet petting a white fluffy Samoyed dog

Let’s talk about skin conditions in dogs

Dog owners know that there is no greater joy (or maybe just a few) than stroking a dog. A dog’s skin and coat offer vital protection against parasites, regulates their temperature, and houses sensitive nerve endings. But did you know that your dog’s skin also stores fat, water, and vitamins! What is less known is that their skin can suffer from a variety of conditions causing pain, itching, and inflammation that can truly affect their wellbeing. Luckily, you don’t need to be a dermatologist to be a great pet owner. Learning about the different conditions and their symptoms can help you support your dog's health and to know when to call your vet.
Beagle sniffing his skin

Atopic dermatitis in dogs: more than a scratchy disease

If your dog’s skin shows signs of redness, they’re biting the end of their limbs or scratching more than usual, you might wonder what’s going on. And if you’ve made sure their flea treatment is up to date and you’ve checked them all over for parasites,but found nothing, then you could be left scratching your head too! Possibly your dog is suffering from an allergy, more precisely, from Canine Atopic Dermatitis aka CAD. Let’s have a look at this condition and how you can recognise it, but remember, no one does this better than your vet!
Happy golden retriever being checked by two vets

New canine dermatology findings promise relief for itchy dogs

Did you know that skin conditions are the number one reason for vet visits among dogs, with reports of itchiness increasing fifty percent since 2013? Today’s veterinarians and veterinary dermatologists report seeing more and more canines with skin disorders, including canine atopic dermatitis, flea allergies, yeast infections, and pyoderma. While the causes may vary (according to breed, age, and genetic predisposition), and treatment plans depend on each dog’s specific condition, one thing is clear: skin disorders have a considerable impact on a dog’s overall health and wellbeing. Now for a bit of good news: You can be your dog’s best ally by staying informed of some of the newest developments in canine dermatology-- and it’s easier to understand than you might expect!
Siberian Husky being treated

Five-step skin and coat routine for a healthy dog!

Looking after your dog’s coat and skin is a great way to pamper them while looking after their health.
