雄性 | 雌性 |
身高 | 身高 |
48 - 56 cm | 46 - 53 cm |
體重 | 體重 |
13.5 - 25 kg | 13.5 - 25 kg |
成年年齡 | |
1 至 7 歲 | |
成熟年齡 | 年長年齢 |
7 至 10 歲 | 10 歲起 |
嬰兒期年齡 | |
出生至 2 個月 |
雄性 | 雌性 |
身高 | 身高 |
48 - 56 cm | 46 - 53 cm |
體重 | 體重 |
13.5 - 25 kg | 13.5 - 25 kg |
成年年齡 | |
1 至 7 歲 | |
成熟年齡 | 年長年齢 |
7 至 10 歲 | 10 歲起 |
嬰兒期年齡 | |
出生至 2 個月 |
1. 他可能是個脫身術高手
邊境牧羊犬精力旺盛而且非常好奇,會隨著特別味道窮追不捨,甚至離家遠去。 因此適宜把他們安置在用柵欄圍起的圈地,並多留意其安全。
2. 在邊境發現的邊境牧羊犬
邊境牧羊犬源自英國,已有相當悠久的歷史,是多種放牧犬和牧羊犬的後代。邊境牧羊犬早在 17 世紀已存在,但奇怪的是,直到 20 世紀才正式認可。邊境牧羊犬的名稱源自英格蘭和蘇格蘭交界蘇格蘭高地,被當地人用作牧羊犬,而「Collie」是蘇格蘭方言,意思是指牧羊犬。
在英國於 1860 年舉辦的第二次狗展中,蘇格蘭牧羊犬首次亮相。
When choosing food for a Border Collie, there are many factors to consider: Their age, lifestyle, activity level, physiological condition, and health including potential sickness or sensitivities. Food provides energy to cover a dog’s vital functions, and a complete nutritional formula should contain an adjusted balance of nutrients to avoid any deficiency or excess in their diet, both of which could have adverse effects on the dog.
Clean and fresh water should be available at all times to support good urinary regularity. In hot weather and especially when out exercising, bring water along for your dog’s frequent water breaks.
Energy intake may also have to be adapted to the climatic conditions. A dog that lives outdoors in winter will have increased energy requirements.
The following recommendations are for healthy animals. If your dog has health problems, please consult your veterinarian who will prescribe an exclusively veterinary diet.
A Border Collie puppy’s requirements, in terms of energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins, are much greater than those of an adult dog. They need energy and nutrients to maintain their body, but also to grow and build it. Until they are 12 months old, a Border Collie puppy’s immune system develops gradually. A complex of antioxidants – including vitamin E – can help support their natural defences during this time of big changes, discoveries, and new encounters. Their digestive functions are different from an adult Border Collie’s, too: Their digestive system is not mature yet so it’s important to provide highly-digestible proteins that will be effectively used. Prebiotics, such as fructo-oligosaccharides, support digestive health by helping balance the intestinal flora, resulting in good stool quality.
Similarly, a puppy’s teeth – starting with the milk teeth, or first teeth, then the permanent teeth – are an important factor that needs to be taken into account when choosing the size, shape, and texture of kibble. This short growth phase also means high energy needs, so the food must have a high energy content (expressed in Kcal/100g of food), while concentrations of all other nutrients will also be higher than normal in a specially-formulated growth food. It is recommended to split the daily allowance into three meals until they are six months old, then to switch to two meals per day.
Throughout their life, it is important to avoid feeding Border Collies human foods or fatty snacks. Instead, reward them with kibble taken from their daily meal allowance, and strictly follow the feeding guidelines written on the package in order to prevent excessive weight gain.
The main nutritional goals for adult Border Collies are:
Maintaining an ideal body weight by using highly digestible ingredients and keeping the fat content at a sensible level.
Promoting optimal digestibility with high-quality protein and a balanced supply of dietary fibre.
Helping to preserve the health and beauty of the skin and coat with the enriched addition of essential fatty acids (especially EPA and DHA), essential amino acids, and B vitamins.
To help support their natural defences, a formula enriched with an antioxidant complex and containing mannan-oligosaccharides is recommended.
After 7 years old, Border Collies start facing the first signs of ageing. A formula enriched with antioxidants will help maintain their vitality, and specific nutrients, such as chondroitin and glucosamine, will help maintain healthy bones and joints. Ageing is also accompanied by the modification of digestive capacities and particular nutritional requirements, so food for older Border Collies should have the following characteristics:
Higher vitamin C and E content. These nutrients have antioxidant properties, helping to protect the body’s cells against the harmful effects of the oxidative stress linked to ageing
High-quality protein. Contrary to a widely held misconception, lowering the protein content in food brings little benefit in limiting kidney failure. In addition, older dogs are less efficient at using dietary protein than younger dogs. Reducing the phosphorus content is a good way of slowing down the gradual deterioration of kidney function.
A higher proportion of the trace elements iron, zinc, and manganese to help maintain the good condition of the skin and coat.
A higher quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids to help maintain the quality of the coat. Dogs can normally produce these fatty acids, but ageing can affect this physiological process.
As they age, dogs increasingly suffer from teeth problems. To ensure they continue to eat in sufficient quantities, the shape, size and hardness of their kibble needs to be tailored to their jaw.
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">這品種天賦極強的運動
能力, 邊境牧羊犬與生俱來非常好動,運動的機會越多,
越好。 這犬種最適合參加敏捷、服從、追蹤和
拉力等比賽,或任何需要不停跑動的運動! 每天都有激烈活動便最為理想。<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p><span>替邊境牧羊犬梳理毛髮難免需要花點工夫。 他們活躍好動,難以如我們所願永遠保持乾淨。 他們的毛髮可能是粗糙的,也可能是光滑的。若您使用針梳每週一至兩次梳理他們打了結的毛髮,會有助他們看來精神抖擻。</span></p>
<p><span>邊境牧羊犬比很多其他犬種更容易訓練。 他們非常聰明,並且極想取悅人,您可在他們整個生命任何時間都可以繼續訓練他們的服從性。 由於這品種的狗較會提防陌生面孔,因此必須從開始就讓他們學習社會化的生活。 他們任何時間都喜歡忙著,敏捷度的訓練和比賽最適合他們,好讓他們得以發洩精力。 邊境牧羊犬越忙越感到滿足。</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">這品種天賦極強的運動
能力, 邊境牧羊犬與生俱來非常好動,運動的機會越多,
越好。 這犬種最適合參加敏捷、服從、追蹤和
拉力等比賽,或任何需要不停跑動的運動! 每天都有激烈活動便最為理想。<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p><span>替邊境牧羊犬梳理毛髮難免需要花點工夫。 他們活躍好動,難以如我們所願永遠保持乾淨。 他們的毛髮可能是粗糙的,也可能是光滑的。若您使用針梳每週一至兩次梳理他們打了結的毛髮,會有助他們看來精神抖擻。</span></p>
<p><span>邊境牧羊犬比很多其他犬種更容易訓練。 他們非常聰明,並且極想取悅人,您可在他們整個生命任何時間都可以繼續訓練他們的服從性。 由於這品種的狗較會提防陌生面孔,因此必須從開始就讓他們學習社會化的生活。 他們任何時間都喜歡忙著,敏捷度的訓練和比賽最適合他們,好讓他們得以發洩精力。 邊境牧羊犬越忙越感到滿足。</span></p>
不好的地方不多! 邊境牧羊犬最大的
缺點在於他們需要不停地活動。 這品種的起源於
天性如此,是很難改變的。 邊境牧羊犬的聰明才智有時會使他們成為
人類的挑戰,而且非常不適合城市生活。 如果不是農場
自由奔跑。 敏捷課程和高級服從訓練都很適合
重大的決定。 他們天生活潑愉快,性情很好,非常合適
相伴生活;他們有時甚至會將其畜牧本能應用在人類身上! 與
- 美國獸醫中心 https://vcahospitals.com/
- 法國皇家 (Royal Canin) 狗百科全書。 Ed 2010 和 2020
- Banfield 寵物醫院 https://www.banfield.com/
- 法國皇家 (Royal Canin) BHN 產品冊
- 美國育犬協會 https://www.akc.org/