Senior Jack Russel black and white

Your senior dog

Ageing is an individual experience and every senior pet is unique. When our pets reach their senior years varies based on their breed and size. For example, large breed dogs have a shorter life expectancy compared to small breed dogs, and are considered to be a senior pet as early as 5 years of age. 

Tailored nutrition can help support senior pets through the changes associated with ageing. Book your next vet appointment to discuss what diet would best suit your senior dog.

dogs walking on a leash outside

Signs your dog is getting older

Ageing in itself is not a disease, however ageing does represent some changes for your pet. Expected age related changes include loss of lean muscle mass, reduced activity, and impaired senses such as vision and smell. Ageing also means that your pet is more prone to disease, such as arthritis, dental and kidney disease. Fortunately we can help manage some of these conditions through the nutrition we feed them.

cavoodle sleeping inside

Nutritional needs for ageing dogs

Ageing dogs have different nutritional needs to puppies, and even adult dogs. Senior diets are formulated to help prevent age related loss of muscle mass as they include specific amino acids such as leucine, and adequate amounts of highly digestible protein. Senior diets generally have adjusted calories – in some cases, they may have fewer calories to help prevent obesity in less active pets, and in other instances, may have increased calories to help support senior pets with reduced appetites. As every senior pet is unique, speak to your veterinarian about the most appropriate diet for your dog.

Image of Jack Russel adult dog black and white

Speak to your vet

Book an appointment with your veterinarian today to ensure your pet is receiving the appropriate nutrition for their life stage.